About Canada
Primary & Secondary Education
In Canada, the government provides an education for every child free of charge. Public education is paid for through taxes and is administered by the provinces and territories in cooperation with local school boards.Depending on the province or territory, public education begins at age four or five. Children must continue to receive an education until age 15 or 16, according to the law in the province or territory in which the child lives.
Parents must register children for school. This can be done at the local school or school board office. A school board is an organization that oversees public schools in your area. For more information about the school boards in your area, visit the Ministry of Education website for the province or territory in which you live.
British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Quebec New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Newfoundland and Labrador Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut
Adult Education
You may wish to use adult education to train for a new job or to improve the skills you already have. You may also wish to apprentice for a trade. The qualifications for many trades are different from province to province and you must get a license before you can practice. Some Canadian schools will not give credit for a course or diploma obtained outside Canada.You can look up professional or trade associations in the province or territory where you live to find information about qualifications and adult education options.
More about Canadian universities and colleges can be found here.