Visa Categories
Work Permits
Work Permits
For people who want to work in Canada on a temporary basis.There are numerous ways to get work permits, and these can be employer specific or they can be open. For example, open work permits are issued to those who are eligible for the Working Holiday Program under the International Experience Class.An employer-specific work permit for Canada can only be obtained if you have an offer of employment from a Canadian employer. Canada seeks to attract temporary skilled workers to fill positions that Canadian employers are currently having difficulty filling with Canadian Permanent Resident or Citizens. Unless you are eligible under the International Mobility Program (e.g. Intra-Company Transfer, Significant Benefit) then your employer will most likely need to apply for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).A Canadian work permit is issued on a temporary basis only and on the condition that you work for the specific employer who is sponsoring you. This is further to obtaining confirmation that, by employing the foreign worker, it will not have a negative effect on Canada’s labour market. To satisfy this requirement, the employer must make an application for an LMIA to Service Canada.Once the LMIA has been obtained, an application can be made for a work permit.Your work permit will confirm the terms and conditions of your stay and work in Canada. These will include your job title, name of your employer, and the length of time that you can work in Canada. Your spouse will be eligible for an open work permit and your children can attend primary and secondary school.The above is not an exhaustive list. There are also spousal open work permits, bridging open work permits, post-graduate work permits, to name a few. Please contact us if you believe you are eligible for a work permit.Once you have been working in Canada on a valid work permit then your chances of being eligible for permanent residency increase greatly.